Solo HD� Compression Joint for ACSR and ACSS Conductor, Full Tension

Solo HD® Compression Joint for ACSR and ACSS Conductor, Full Tension


  • Half the Installation Time - Using an innovative core gripping system that allows a single die to compress the outer aluminum barrel to grip both the steel core as well as the aluminum strands, utilizing the same Aluminum Hex (AH) die set.
  • No Filler Compound Required - By creating a practically void-free compression, eliminating ingress of water, and using steels that eliminate the exposure of raw steel after, thereby eliminating rust and corrosion, AFL has removed variability of the amount of compound being placed in each connector.
  • Joints Travel Over Sheaves - Enhancing speed of installation, full tension joints can travel through sheaves without impact to the performance of the connector, allowing for more conductor to be strung from a single location.
  • Same Install Method - With no new tools required, installation crews do not require training on new compression tools.
  • One Connector - Assembly can be used for both ACSS and ACSR type conductors, eliminating the need for multiple part numbers.
  • Same Compression Die Set - The Aluminum Hex (AH) die size remains the same as that of the standard AFL two-die system used today and eliminates the need for the Steel Hex (SH) dies altogether.
  • Same Compression Tools - By using the same compression pumps and presses, AFL does not require the need for a large investment in both the tools and training.

The SDCJ-AS Series Compression Joint Assembly is specifically designed for ACSR and ACSS conductors. The Solo HD® Compression Joint is fabricated from a specially tempered aluminum that will transfer elevated current and dissipate increased heat more efficiently. Its innovative design provides a solid, void-free compression through the complete unit with once set of dies, reducing the total quantity of compressions and installation time by almost half when compared to the of the ones required by the two die compression systems while keeping the same reliable and proven performance.

All Solo HD Compression Joints are designed for full tension use, achieving a minimum of 95% of the ASTM rated strength of the conductor. Each compression joint assembly comes with an aluminum joint and a steel sleeve.

For die sizes 30AH and above, the end tapers of the compression portions of all compression accessories are supplied with a high voltage finish.


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