LQ-Series  Plenum-rated IndoorOutdoor Loose Tube

LQ-Series — Plenum-rated Indoor/Outdoor Loose Tube


  • Telcordia GR-20-CORE, Issue 4, “Generic Requirements for Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable""
  • ICEA S -104-696, 2013, “Standard for Indoor – Outdoor Optical Fiber Cable”
  • Sunlight-resistant outer jacket per UL 444
  • National Electric Code (NEC®) OFNP and CSA FT-6


  • Inter-building campus backbone connections
  • Suitable for installing in OSP buried pathways or above-ground exposed cable trays
  • Cable routes that require cables to transit OSP spaces and inside plant environments that require cables to be riser or plenum rated

The LQ-Series I/O plenum-rated fiber optic loose tube cables are designed to reduce network cabling costs by eliminating the need to use different cables within a pathway that includes outside plant (OSP) and inside plant (ISP) segments. This dual rating allows for the LQ-Series cable to be transitioned from the OSP pathway and routed within the building space without the need to splice to a separate flame-rated cable installed in a protective conduit. This feature saves space, material costs and installation time.

The cable construction consists of 12-fiber, gel-free buffer tubes stranded around a central strength member. The finished core is jacketed with a highly flame-retardant, UV-resistant thermoplastic. The LQ-Series cable is available with 12 up to 144 single-mode or multimode fibers.


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