AFL TITAN RTD Multiport Terminal

AFL TITAN RTD® Multiport Terminal


  • AFL TRIDENT Hardened Connectors for speedy customer connections
  • Factory terminated on 250 μm outdoor or 900 μm indoor/outdoor flat drop cable as well as 250 μm armored drop or 900 μm pushable/air-jettable MicroDrop
  • Aerial self-support capable


  • OSP Networks
  • FTTx Networks
The AFL TITAN RTD Multiport is a factory terminated OSP fiber terminal designed for quick and easy subscriber connections anywhere in the OSP network when used in conjunction with AFL TRIDENT® Hardened Fiber Optic Connectors. The sealed and rugged design of both the AFL TITAN RTD Multiport and AFL TRIDENT connector allow for long term reliability when installed anywhere in the network—underground, in pedestals, on poles, or on aerial strand or ADSS cables.

The preterminated AFL TITAN RTD Multiport Terminal is available with a variety of cable stub options. Dielectric or toneable flat drop cables are available for underground or short span self-support applications while ADSS cable stubs are available for longer span self-support applications*. Round armored cables are available for rodent protection in aerial or direct buried applications. Lastly, a pushable/air-jettable MicroDrop cable is available for microduct jetting applications.

The multiple stub options allow for flexibility when engineering the network and consolidation of multiple terminal stubs into one centralized splice point. The terminal is outfitted with four, six, eight or twelve AFL TRIDENT connector ports. The AFL TITAN RTD Multiport and AFL TRIDENT Hardened Fiber Optic Connector are designed and tested to Telcordia GR-771 and Telcordia GR-3120, respectively.

Lengths less than 350 feet ship coiled in low-profile boxes. Lengths more than 350 feet ship on a 33" corrugated plastic reel inside a cardboard box.

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