Helpful Links - Federal Funding Agencies, BABA, Waivers, etc.
Grant Program | Grant Alias | Year Established | Funding Total | Funding Agency |
5G for Rural America | 5G Fund | 2020 | $8.1B | FCC |
Alternative Connect America Cost Model | ACAM | 2016 | $3.4B | FCC |
American Rescue Plan: Capital Projects Fund | CPF | 2021 | $10B | Treasury Dept |
American Rescue Plan: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | SLFRF | 2022 | $350B | Treasury Dept |
Appalachian Regional Broadband Funding | ARC | 2021 | $180M | Appalachian Regional |
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment | BEAD | 2021 | $42.5B | NTIA |
Broadband Infrastructure Program | BIP | 2022 | $288M | NTIA |
Connect America Fund | CAF | 2018 | $10B | FCC |
Connecting Minority Communities | CMC | 2022 | $262M | NTIA |
Emergency Connectivity Fund | ECF | 2021 | $7B | FCC |
Distant Learning & Telemedicine Grants | DLT | 2023 | $60M | USDA |
Enhanced ACAM | E-ACAM | 2023 | $13.5B | FCC |
Middle Mile Program | MM | 2022 | $1B | NTIA |
Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund | PWSCIF | 2022 | $1.5B | NTIA |
Rural e-Connectivity Broadband Program | Re-Connect | 2018 | $2.7B | USDA |
Rural Digital Opportunity Fund | RDOF | 2020 | $18.2B | FCC |
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program | TBCP | 2021 | $3B | NTIA |
BABA Compliant Product Requests
To help facilitate requests for BABA compliant products, the questionnaire should be submitted to your AFL contact before placing your order. Your AFL Customer Service Representative with work with our International Trade Compliance Department to evaluate if we have the proper items which meet the required criteria. Failure to include certain pieces of information about the Prime Contract could result in customer receiving non-compliant product. The customer is responsible for providing valid contract domestic requirements to ensure proper order fulfillment. This information should be verified prior to order placement and referenced in the relevant purchase order.
You can also email a copy to
BABA compliant product requests questionnaire can be found here.
Build America, Buy America Act – Federal Financial Assistance
The Build America, Buy America Act ("BABA") requires that all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in infrastructure projects are produced in the United States. This is also known as a "domestic preference."
More information can be found
Exceptions and Waivers to Domestic Preference
Exceptions and waivers will be made by the head of a Federal agency – but first the agency must post the proposed waiver online for 15 days to allow the public to review it and submit comments. Waivers posted for public comment are posted by each agency.
A consolidated list can be found here.
International Trade Agreement Obligations
The BABA provisions apply in a manner consistent with United States obligations under international agreements. Typically, Federal financial assistance awards are generally not subject to international trade agreements because these international obligations only apply to direct procurement activities by signatories to such agreements.
In certain circumstances, however, 37 of 50 States and some sub-Federal entities have opted to obligate their procurement activities to the terms of one or more international trade agreements, and as such, are included in schedules to the international trade agreements.
A list of the U.S. States, other sub-Federal entities, and other entities that are subject to U.S. obligations under international agreements can be found here.
BEAD/BABA Resources