AFL Response - COVID-19 April 3, 2020

Let me first start by saying I am saddened by the significant increase in positive cases and the number of deaths caused by COVID-19. The projected numbers citied by officials at the CDC and World Health Organization are causing restrictions on what we used to consider “normal.”

AFL is truly a global company. We have major operations in Canada, US, Mexico, UK, Germany, Australia and China. Each of our locations has been impacted to some degree by COVID 19. For example, in China we have seen major improvements and people are returning to work. That is certainly a positive sign and hope remains high that further recovery will continue.

I mentioned in my last communication that AFL’s products and services are deemed essential because of the critical nature they play in our communications infrastructure. We are trying very hard to balance the importance of safety for our AFL teams, while continuing to serve your needs. I am encouraged by the fact that the majority of our AFL associates want to remain at work. I know many companies have shut down due to lack of demand or government restrictions, so we are fortunate with our current situation.

I realize there is uncertainty about what the future holds. In some AFL locations, we have had to adjust our staffing based on changes in demand and overall market conditions. I am aware that our services businesses often require travel across US state lines and entrance onto customer premises. We will continue to manage these situations as they arise, while keeping your safety and the well-being of our associates in mind at all times.

On the positive side, many of you reached out to recognize the commitment of our AFL associates worldwide. Thank you. We have a large group of people who are working remote and learning how to serve each of you in these new conditions. I have asked our AFL teams to remain focused and to make continued improvements while working remotely, in the field or within our production facilities. It is very important for us to CONNECT, communicate and support your needs now more than ever, and we will continue to provide updates to our situation in the future.

I know these times are stressful, but we will get through this together. I have confidence in the AFL team and that will make a difference. Please remember to support each other and maintain a spirit of optimism in this very difficult time. Thank you.

Jody Gallagher
AFL President & CEO