Since our founding, AFL has focused on environmental stewardship while achieving our business goals.

We began with a solid foundation of compliance and have expanded our efforts to not only manage environmental impacts, but also to reduce or eliminate them wherever possible. Because of our focus on environmental stewardship, AFL has become a more efficient and innovative operation, driving costs out of the business and growing into an even stronger company.

AFL is committed to operating in a safe and responsible manner worldwide that respects communities and the environment.

Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
Operational Energy Efficiency

We aim to reduce our own operational carbon footprint by optimizing our operational energy usage, adopting cleaner fuels and investing in renewable power.

Circular Economy and Raw Material Efficiency

At AFL, we strive to offer solutions that minimize our customer’s environmental impact as well. We are designing our products and packaging with lifecycle sustainability in mind.

Waste Management

AFL is dedicated to conserving natural resources through waste management. We have set goals to minimize scrap rates, optimize reuse and recycling, and ensure appropriate treatment of waste streams.

Water Conservation

Conservation of our planet's most valuable natural resource, water, is vital to sustaining human health and the environment. That's why AFL is prioritizing goals to effectively manage our water consumption.